Updates Large and Small

Hello adventurers!

This is a bit of a small update in terms of content, though there are a lot of behind-the-scenes changes to improve how various things work, look and feel.

That said: we have custom new title screen art, and it looks amazing! Thanks to the incredibly talented artist Nowis-337 for that!

On the topic of visuals, one of the critiques from a previous LP has been addressed, namely that the buff and debuff icons are not intuitive or super useful; I've since drawn a series of completely custom icons to match the existing icon set, that should much more clearly convey what most states and passive skills do, at a glance.

There have also been improvements to flavor text, incidental dialog, and some mechanics related to how States are applied.

Plus, as an added bonus, the Overworld has been re-opened! This gives the player an opportunity to explore a bit more, get a sneak peak at Chapter 2's landscape, and see how our fun shop presentation comes together in the first major town.

A brief mention, while the next batch of story content is taking longer than I'd like, two of the three Chapter 2 dungeons are essentially done, we're just missing the "connecting tissue" if you will that ties them to the storyline. So, once I get back into the groove - hopefully that is quite soon, if there are no major issues with today's release - the overall cadence should return to about where I was prior to the initial chapter 1 beta test.

Thanks as always for your downloads, comments, ratings, and general support of the project!

Happy adventuring!!



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