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Hey, hope you're doing well,

I found this game randomly and thought it was pretty cool because I'm a fan of JRPGs. I was wondering since it is still under development, would you need more music for this game? I would love to write some music for your game if you'd like that.

Thanks for reading this and I hope your project is successful!

Yyyyyooooo! I loved it! PEEP THE FULL REVIEW!

Hello there OMI, thanks for checking out the project.

I'd never noticed in all the times of playtesting that Relics didn't show up in the accessories section of the item menu, that's definitely a bug!

I hope to have Chapter 2 ready soon (TM).


That’s why I’m here, bro!

(1 edit)

A cute game with tight mechanics and gameplay that doesn't feel like a chore. The only thing that I felt was a real disconnect was the sudden introduction of the children after the parents departed. I'd like to know more about their fate. This is a gamejam game, but it ends quite abruptly rather than at a point where I feel like it would be needed to have a good hook for the player to continue.

I love the graphics, the movesets and the gameplay and I yearned for more at the end. Great work!

Hey there! Thanks a ton for playing and for the great feedback!

I do want to show a bit more of the confrontation towards the end of the prologue, and if I can find a way to smooth the transition into the main party as well, I think that's a solid suggestion.

The demo (the version submitted to the Feedback Quest jam) used to end right after the final cutscene that closes out Chapter 1, but I wanted to give players a bit more of a preview of the game world by opening up the beginning of Chapter 2. As a result, the game currently ends at an awkward spot, until I get back on the horse and release more content :)

Seeing your LP of the project was great fun. Thank you for all the awesome content!

Hope you don't mind that I made a let's play. loved the combat and combat music <3 

Thank you for the LP!

I was able to watch most of the playthrough tonight and it was very enjoyable seeing how you interacted with various systems (great work on character readings, too). I'll finish the video tomorrow, hopefully.

Thanks again!